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Assurant lays off numerous T-Mobile repair employees

A number of T-Mobile employees got laid off today.

As revealed by The T-Mo Report, T-Mobile advised all of its in-store repair employees to attend a Zoom call instead of going to work. The call was made last night at 9PM Eastern. They were told over the video call that they have been laid off by Assurant, T-Mo’s insurance partner.

The report says that affected employees were told that they could apply for a position at T-Mobile directly. One of the employees in the call spoke up and said he already found a role as a Mobile Expert in the same store he was assigned to. But Assurant could not promise a position to affected employees.

In addition, the employees that were laid off were given 2 months of pay and an unspecified severance. They will also receive an offset for their health insurance.

On Reddit, several employees talked about the sudden layoffs. They were told that they were “fired no notice we all just lost our jobs.”

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